header AQ2 Embrace (AQURIT Software) image

AQ2 Embrace by AQUIRT

AQURIT® helps organizations process check payments and donations more efficiently by automatically uploading data into an accounting software and the depositing checks to the bank.

Technology Solutions

Integration Type


Health and Human Services
Environmental & Conservation
Faith-Based Organizations
Arts, Culture, & Humanities
Animal Welfare
Veteran & Military Support


The AQURIT Software allows organizations to scan in documents and checks in batches.  The data will be read and automatically uploaded to the CRM.  In addition, the data from the check will be read and sent to the bank for the deposit.  All images will be saved and kept for easily search.


AQ2 Embrace (AQURIT Software) image


  • AQ2 AQURIT Software Quote
    Huge Savings Vs. Lockbox

    This has been quite encouraging for our organization - so much so
    that we have already doubled our estimates of the
    value we will get from deploying AQ2. As she put it,
    “My conservative estimate when we started this
    project was that we would save approximately $8,000
    per year net of AQ2’s fees. It looks like it’s going to be
    closer to $16,000k!”

Technology Solutions

Integration Type


Health and Human Services
Environmental & Conservation
Faith-Based Organizations
Arts, Culture, & Humanities
Animal Welfare
Veteran & Military Support