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Double the Donation

Double the Donation is a matching gift database and software solution that helps nonprofits increase fundraising by maximizing corporate donation matching opportunities.

Built By

Integration Type


Health and Human Services
Social & Human Services
Environmental & Conservation
Faith-Based Organizations
Arts, Culture, & Humanities
International Development & Relief Services
Animal Welfare


Atlanta, GA


Double the Donation Matching helps organizations drive more matching gift revenue and exceed their fundraising goals. Here's what their software brings to the table:

  • Easy integration process with Virtuous fundraising tools to ensure a quick, reliable implementation process that saves your team time
  • Fully automated emails, delivering matching gift forms and instructions directly to donors to make it easy for them to submit matching gift requests
  • A comprehensive database to help your organization identify, track, and encourage match-eligible donors to double their donations


Company-Specific Matching Next Steps
Give donors access to company-specific matching gift next steps directly on the confirmation screen to simplify the request process and increase match submission rate. 
With matching gift auto-submission by Double the Donation, your organization raises more matching gift revenue without any additional effort from you or your donors.

  • speed up the matching gift process
  • remove steps for the donor
  • guarantee requests are properly formatted and submitted

All this means more donations to your nonprofit are submitted for matching, and more of them will be accepted! The entire process becomes easier for companies to match employee donations to your nonprofit.
Streamlined Search Field
78% of donors eligible for matching gifts have no idea their employer offers a corporate matching program. So how are they supposed to know how to get their gift matched? Bridge the information gap by bringing corporate matching gift programs to your donors, not waiting for them to come to you.
Automated Email Streams
Sending two reminder emails to match-eligible donors results in a 48% increase in matches initiated by donors. Create templates for donors who are matching gift-eligible as well as separate messaging for those who have an unknown employer.


Built By

Integration Type


Health and Human Services
Social & Human Services
Environmental & Conservation
Faith-Based Organizations
Arts, Culture, & Humanities
International Development & Relief Services
Animal Welfare


Atlanta, GA